About me

 Hi, my name is Hayley. 

I took genetics with you last semester, and I'm excited to be taking this class with you this semester. 

Some of my favorites:

  • color = PURPLE
  • animals = dogs, and elephants 
  • TV shows =  Friends and Criminal Minds
  • cold drinks = water, sweet tea, or Dr. Pepper (buuuuuttttt water is #1)
  • warm drinks = cappuccino or hot chocolate
Some things I absolutely love: 
  • blankets 
  • too many pillows 
  • my friends and family 
  • football (or actually all sports)
  • outdoor adventures!
My favorite pass times include:
  1. camping & hiking (pictured - after reaching the top of a summit during spring break 2020 with my best friend)
  2. grilling
  3. cooking
  4. painting
  5. drawing
  6. watching Netflix...
  7. baking
  8. reading

Currently obsessed with the idea of van life, this global pandemic is making me want to go off-grid and travel as much as I can...

Outside of class, I volunteer as a Ruff Rider for Pete's Pet Posse, I am the President of Oklahoma State Paddle People, and I work for Stillwater Medical Center. 


  1. Hi Hayley, welcome to evolution and I'm thrilled to hear that you enjoyed learning about genetics! I'm so with you on the I just want to run away off grid and live in a van right now... this pandemic is so indescribably hard. I had to look up Oklahoma State Paddle People, I envisioned paddle boarding for some reason, boy was I wrong! ;)

  2. Hello Hayley!

    I FELT your last comment about the pandemic making you want to go off grid. Right before school started my roommate and I took a trip to Colorado, and being in the mountains away from people made us want to just road-trip & hike our way through the rockies! Also, I absolutely LOVE Linnea & Akela's videos, they're my version of HGTV!

    1. Hello again, it is not showing my name/email in the reply for me. This is Abigail Meek if you cannot see either.


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